Authors |
Redya Galina Pavlovna, Candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, sub-department of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University, (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Barsukova Svetlana Aleksandrovna,Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor,sub-department
of sociology and human resource management, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. The problem of consolidation of the modern Russian society is caused by a necessity to study the condition and development dynamics of mass consciousness and behavior of Russia’s citizens in conditions of both stable and crisis social situations. The aim of the article is to research the Russian citizens’ views on fairness as an indicator allowing to understand the process of formation of life sets, directed towards consolidation of the Russian society.
Materials and methods. Realization of the research tasks was achieved on the basis of the analysis of publications by Russian sociologists and psychologists on the problem of social fairness, as well as the results of focus-group survey, carried out among various groups of population of Penza and Ulyanovsk regions.
Results. On the basis of the analysis of principles, serving as a foundation of people’s views on social fairness, the authors analyzed the views of Volga region dwellers on the processes of consolidation in the modern society, on the degree of satisfaction of Russian citizens with their life in terms of a relationship between the authorities and the society.
Conclusions. The analysis of the main views of Volga region dwellers on fairness shows that most often these views are based on the principles of chance equality and the principle of achievements. The results give evidence that in the regions under consideration there is a growing number of citizens who are ready to take a responsibility for their lives. In such people the society obtains a significant social support for stable and firm condition and development.
Key words |
fairness, principles of fairness, truth and fairness, justice and fairness, moral truth, consolidation of society
References |
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